THE SOL-MATE SHE FOUND — A short story

6 min readFeb 28, 2024


The wind whipped around Joan’s car, its howl barely audible over the roar of the engine. Her knuckles were white as she gripped the steering wheel, eyes flitting nervously between the speedometer and the rearview mirror. Any sign of a patrol car, any flashing lights, could shatter the fragile hope she clung to.

The world Joan knew was shrouded in the suffocating darkness of control. Kamze, the man who held the reins, wielded power with a twisted hand, leaving Joan trapped in a cage of fear and abuse. But within her, a flicker of defiance refused to be extinguished.

Joan had meticulously planned her escape, playing the submissive role until Kamze, her captor, lowered his guard. The physical torture had lessened, replaced by a chilling sense of anticipation. She knew that meant he had found a new target, and her fate was no longer one of endless pain, but of silent “elimination.”

The plan had simmered for weeks, a desperate gamble for a sliver of freedom. Months of feigned compliance, enduring the daily assaults, had eroded her spirit but not her will. The escape, a meticulously crafted act, was a gamble she had to take. Crossing state lines, a barrier between her and the familiar terror, offered a faint glimmer of hope.

Her escape wasn’t a clean break. The weight of past trauma clung to her like a shadow. The constant vigilance, the fear of capture, gnawed at her. Yet, with each mile left behind, a sense of empowerment, however fragile, bloomed within her.

Exhaustion gnawed at her, her eyelids drooping. Her eyes began to betray her, pleading for rest. The world blurred into a monotonous stretch of asphalt, and the open road, once a symbol of freedom, morphed into a lullaby of danger.

Finding a motel, anywhere to rest, became a desperate priority. She had withdrawn cash in small amounts, meticulously avoiding her cards to stay off the digital grid; she couldn’t afford to be tracked. Kamze never lost, and he always craved the last laugh. Will she have the last laugh this time around? Is it possible to see an end to five years of torture come to an end?

As fatigue overwhelmed her, a stray cat darted across the road. In a split second, Joan swerved, the car veering off course. The jolt snapped her awake, but it was too late. The car slammed into a tree, the impact jolting her body and deploying the airbag.

“Better to die here, in nature’s embrace, than face what awaits me,” she thought, her consciousness fading.

Stanley, awakened by the commotion, grumbled about careless drivers and his ever-alert dog, Zack. Stepping out into the cool night air, he was met with a scene that shocked him into silence. A mangled car was wedged against his old oak tree, and inside, a young woman lay unconscious, blood trickling down her forehead.

His initial anger at a potential drunk driver evaporated as he rushed to the car. He carefully checked for a pulse, relief flooding him as he found one, albeit weak. He gently pried open the door and unlocked her phone, hoping to find a clue to her identity. The screen displayed a digital wallet app — Phantom.

Stanley had heard whispers about this new technology, a blockchain-based system that promised decentralization and security. Curiosity piqued, he navigated the app, discovering a message draft titled “Escape plan — if I’m gone, contact…” followed by a string of alphanumeric characters.

A sense of urgency filled him. This wasn’t a simple accident. This young woman was running from something, something tied to this mysterious technology. Stanley knew he couldn’t leave her here. He carefully lifted her out of the mangled car and carried her inside, his mind racing with possibilities.

Little did he know, he had just stepped into a world where innovation, desperation, and the power of community intertwined, setting in motion a chain of events that could change the course of their lives and challenge the very fabric of a corrupt system. The fight for freedom had just begun, and Solana, the symbol of decentralization, would play a pivotal role in the battle.

The alarm wailed like a banshee, jolting Joan back to consciousness. Her head pounded, throbbing a rhythmic counterpoint to the dangling ceiling lights. Disoriented, she fought to piece together the fragmented memories of the crash. The escape, the relentless drive, exhaustion claiming her, then… darkness.

She craned her neck, wincing at the sharp pain that lanced through her. Her fingers brushed against a cold towel on her forehead. Pain jolted through her. Panic bubbled up, but she forced it down. She needed to assess where she was.

Through the slit of her eyelids, she saw a figure approaching, a large dog barking frantically beside him. Fear choked her. Was this another one of Kamze’s men? Had he somehow tracked her down?

“Hold on,” the figure called out, his voice gentle, reaching out a hand to calm the agitated dog. He wasn’t wearing a uniform, and something in his demeanor calmed the frantic beat of her heart. “Everything will be fine”

Joan remained silent, her gaze flitting between him and the dog. He took a hesitant step forward, his hands raised in a placating gesture. “I live here. I heard the crash and came to check it out. I carried you into my cabin. I’m not going to hurt you.”

His words held a sincerity that resonated with Joan’s raw vulnerability. She cautiously met his gaze, finding concern and compassion etched on his weathered face.

“I… I need help,” she whispered, her voice hoarse as she struggled to stand up.

The man, Stanley, nodded, settling her back on the couch, placing the wet towel back to tend to her head wound. The dog, Zack, a hulking German Shepherd, circled them cautiously, eventually settling down at Joan’s feet, his warm presence offering a strange comfort.

As Joan recounted her harrowing escape from the clutches of her abuser, Kamze, Stanley listened intently, his expression hardening with each detail. He offered no judgement, just unwavering support and a sense of safety she hadn’t experienced in a long time.

Over the next few days, Stanley helped Joan recover both physically and emotionally. He connected her with a local women’s shelter and a lawyer specializing in domestic violence cases. Joan discovered a hidden world within the crypto space that offered hope — the Solana community, from Maya. Maya is a young developer known for her work on a decentralized healthcare platform built on the Solana blockchain.

Maya, introduced Joan to the concept of Decentralized Finance (DeFi). She explained how this blockchain technology, specifically the Solana platform with its blazing-fast speed and low transaction fees, allowed individuals like Joan to gain financial independence, circumventing the traditional banking system that Kamze could potentially use to track her.

With Stanley’s help and Maya’s guidance, Joan started exploring various DeFi applications. She learned how to earn interest on her savings, access microloans, and even invest in small businesses, all without the need for a central authority or the risk of falling victim to manipulation. Standley found himself intrigued by the possibilities of this “technology”. Since he loved out of the box concepts, he dived right in and started contributing to the Superteam community in his town.

The knowledge empowered Joan. She started small, building her financial independence brick by brick. Each successful transaction, each step towards self-sufficiency, chipped away at the fear and trauma holding her back.

Months passed. Joan grew stronger, both inside and out. The nightmares of her past faded, replaced by the promise of a brighter future. She maintained contact with Stanley, forever grateful for his kindness and support. Maya became a close friend, a confidante and fellow explorer of the DeFi landscape.

One day, while browsing the Solana forums, Joan stumbled upon a news article. Kamze, she read with a jolt, had been apprehended. His elaborate money laundering scheme, a scheme that relied heavily on traditional financial services, had finally crumbled.

Joan closed the laptop, a wave of relief washing over her. The Solana community, with its emphasis on decentralization and individual empowerment, had become her sanctuary, a space where she could rebuild her life on her own terms. The journey had been arduous, but with every sunrise, Joan found renewed strength, knowing that the future, like the ever-evolving blockchain technology, held the potential for limitless possibilities.




Content writer - Copywriting and content marketing. Product Marketing Management, Pro Layer2 and STARKNET. Blockchain - Crypto - Web3, founder of Valucop Global